Show Centre for Culture & Development,
Sevasi Post, Vadodara -
Sevasi Post, Vadodara -
- Dr Lancy Lobo
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 91-9426336747
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Show Loyola Centre for Research & Development
St. Xavier's College campus, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad – 380009
91 -79 -2630038
St. Xavier's College campus, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad – 380009
91 -79 -2630038
- Dr Vincent Braganza
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 91-9825161935
- 91-9427631676
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Show Xavier Centre of Historical Research,
B. B. Borkar road, Alto Porvorim,
Bardez, Goa- 403521.
Tel: +91 832 2417772
B. B. Borkar road, Alto Porvorim,
Bardez, Goa- 403521.
Tel: +91 832 2417772
- Fr. Anthony Da Silva SJ
- 83788 61845
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Show Thomas Stephens Konkani Kendr,
B. B. Borkar road, Alto Porvorim,
Bardez, Goa- 403521.
Tel: +91 832 2415857, 2415864
B. B. Borkar road, Alto Porvorim,
Bardez, Goa- 403521.
Tel: +91 832 2415857, 2415864
- Apollo Cardozo SJ
- +91 9822102368
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Show Heras Institute of Indian History and Culture
C/0 St. Xavier’s College
5, Mahapalika Marg
Mumbai – 400 001
C/0 St. Xavier’s College
5, Mahapalika Marg
Mumbai – 400 001
- Dr. Joan Dias SJ.
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 022-2262 0661
- Fr Anthony D’Souza, SJ
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- 8411013070
Show Xavier Institute of Social Research - XISR
Lokmanya Nagar, Gangapur Road,
Nashik – 422 002
Lokmanya Nagar, Gangapur Road,
Nashik – 422 002
- Fr. Anthony Dias, S.J.
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 9969467926
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Show Xavier Institute of Social Research (X.T.T.I. Campus)
Digha Ghat P.O.
Patna – 800011
Digha Ghat P.O.
Patna – 800011
- Dr. (Fr.) Jose Kalapurackal, S.J.
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- 9431815826
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Show Loyola Institute of Peace and
International Relations (LIPI)
Lumen Institute
Kochi 682017
International Relations (LIPI)
Lumen Institute
Kochi 682017
- Dr. Binoy Pichalakatt S J
- 9497445381
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NB: These 8 Research Centers are not Degree awarding academic institutions.